Ghimire, Dirgha J (2017) Social context of first birth timing in a rapidly changing rural setting. Soc Sci Res 61:314-329
Axinn, William G; Ghimire, Dirgha J; Smith-Greenaway, Emily (2017) Emotional Variation and Fertility Behavior. Demography 54:437-458
Bhandari, Prem; Ghimire, Dirgha (2016) Rural Agricultural Change and Individual Out-migration. Rural Sociol 81:572-600
Jennings, Elyse A; Pierotti, Rachael S (2016) The influence of wives' and husbands' fertility preferences on progression to a third birth in Nepal, 1997-2009. Popul Stud (Camb) 70:115-33
Pearce, Lisa D; Brauner-Otto, Sarah R; Ji, Yingchun (2015) Explaining religious differentials in family-size preference: Evidence from Nepal in 1996. Popul Stud (Camb) 69:23-37
Ghimire, Dirgha J; Axinn, William G; Smith-Greenaway, Emily (2015) Impact of the spread of mass education on married women's experience with domestic violence. Soc Sci Res 54:319-31
West, Brady T; Ghimire, Dirgha; Axinn, William G (2015) Evaluating a Modular Design Approach to Collecting Survey Data Using Text Messages. Surv Res Methods 9:111-123
Ghimire, Dirgha J (2015) Wives' and Husbands' Nonfamily Experiences and First-Birth Timing. Int J Sociol 45:4-23
Compernolle, Ellen (2015) Changing Attitudes Toward Care of Aging Parents: The Influence of Education, International Travel, and Gender. Int J Sociol 45:64-83
Brauner-Otto, Sarah R (2014) Environmental Quality and Fertility: The Effects of Plant Density, Species Richness, and Plant Diversity on Fertility Limitation. Popul Environ 36:1-31
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