The recent formation of the Midwest Gram-Positive Pathogenesis Group has led? to the realization that collaborations between researchers studying various Grampositive? pathogens could dramatically enhance our research productivity. As a result,? the idea to establish the National Gram-Positive Pathogenesis Conference emerged.? The participants of this conference will be researchers interested in any aspect of? pathogenesis caused by a Gram-positive bacterium. This conference will be held in? Omaha Nebraska on October 11-13, 2006. Four keynote speakers will set the tone for? the meeting, which for the first conference will be the regulation of virulence factor? production. Ultimately, the goal of this conference is to broaden our understanding of? Gram-positive pathogenesis through the sharing of ideas and the formation of? productive research collaborations among a group of investigators whose studies? encompass closely related bacterial pathogens.