CUYAHOGA COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTHENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC HEALTHFOOD PROTECTION PROGRAMFDA Grant - Innovative Food Defense Program R18Innovative Retail Food Defense Assessment and Training ProgramThe purpose of this study is to assess the food security within thejurisdiction of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH). A modifiedFood and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Defense Self-Assessment Toolfor Retail Food Stores and Food Service Establishments will be used.Representatives of the food industry, local law enforcement, local firedepartments, the EMA, and FBI will be invited to a stakeholders meetingto discuss perceived food security risks within high-concentrationpopulation centers. The field assessments will include unannounced entryof 24 selected food operations within three industry segments:institutional, retail stores, and traditional restaurants. The assessment will include entry into public and non-public areas of theoperation during normal business hours. As weaknesses are observed,they will be documented on the assessment tool. At the conclusion of thefield assessments vulnerabilities in each individual facility's food securitywill be identified. Data will be compiled by using Microsoft Excel 2010 andSPSS 20 to identify trends and collect descriptive data. Later, this data,as well as the FDA's FREE-B program, will be utilized to guide a series ofworkshops at two separate conferences. All facilities within the selectedpopulation will be invited to attend these conferences to improve their ownfood defense.
Statement;To develop and incorporate food defense awareness within the retail food industry through an assessment and training process. This will be accomplished by building a coalition of public health agencies, industry and safety forces.