Two putative colon cancer markers, CC-4 and CC-5, have been identified in colon cancers but not normal colon by Matritech scientists. MAbs specific for these proteins have been selected by immunofluorescent nuclear antigen localization on the CC- 4/CC-5-positive tumor cell line DLD and immunoblots against DLD-extracted nuclear matrix proteins. Following further characterization of CC-4-- and CC- 5-specific antibodies by two- dimensional immunoblotting on nuclear matrix proteins extracted from colon cancer tissue, selected antibodies will be tested for tissue specificity by immunohistochemical localization of CC-4 or CC-5 antigens in stool or serum from colorectal cancer patients by Western blot and enzyme immunoassay. Immunohistochemical methods will be used to search for these antigens in paraffin embedded colon tumor and polyp tissue. If tissue localization can distinguish cancer patients from normal controls, or if CC-4 or CC-5 can be detected in stool or serum, then immunoassays based upon the detection of these proteins could improve patient management or aid in the early detection of colon cancer.