To meet the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) requested and received an administrative supplement to NIAID grant U19AI118608 ?Ontogeny of Human Vaccine Responses? to fund the Immunophenotyping Assessment in a COVID-19 Cohort (IMPACC) Clinical and Data Coordinating Center (CDCC). The IMPACC study is an observational cohort collecting detailed clinical, laboratory, and radiographic data in coordination with biologic sampling of blood and respiratory secretions and viral shedding in nasal secretions in order to identify immunophenotypic and genomic features of COVID-19?related susceptibility and/or progression in order to generate hypotheses for effective host-directed therapeutic interventions, to help to prioritize proposals for such interventions, and/or optimize timing for administration of host-response directed therapeutics. Many sites in the IMPACC study lacked sufficient PPE to protect all study site staff interacting with hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Therefore, the IMPACC CDCC sought additional resources to distribute to the participating sites. RhoFED responded to this need by procuring the necessary additional PPE, which consisted of masks, masks with eye shields, gowns, gloves, and face shields.
To meet the challenge of understanding how the body reacts to the viral invasion of COVID-19, Boston Children's Hospital requested and received funding for the Immunophenotyping Assessment in a COVID-19 Cohort (IMPACC) study. IMPACC collects samples from hospitalized COVID-19 patients to learn how their immune systems respond to the disease over time. The personal protective equipment acquired for the front- line healthcare workers conducting this study helps to ensure their health and safety as they interact with COVID-19 infected patients.