This grant is seeking funds to purchase a dedicated server offering a platform for the implementation of a campus-wide enterprise system for the collection, storage, management and analysis of the microarray data generated by the large group of NIH funded PIs currently undertaking gene expression experiments. The server is a SunFire V880 with 8 - 750MHz central processing units each of them having 8 MB Ecache memory. The server has 32 GB of memory and 1.3 TB of storage arrays organized in fully redundant RAIDs arrays able to provide 24h/7days availability. The server is provided with 30 SunBlade 100 terminals with SunPCi cards, expert 3D Lite graphics, 512 MB memory, 20 GB disk and 18"""""""" flat panel displays. The server will provide a large group of university investigators with access to computing power, storage and software that would otherwise be cost prohibitive on an individual basis. This server configuration allows researchers the ability to share data from microarray experiments and synergizes collaborations not only between the bioinformatics and genomics researchers but also among the life science researchers. Furthermore, the system may be expanded in the future, to accommodate new investigators at a cost that is very feasible.
Done, Bogdan; Khatri, Purvesh; Done, Arina et al. (2010) Predicting novel human gene ontology annotations using semantic analysis. IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform 7:91-9 |
Madsen-Bouterse, Sally A; Romero, Roberto; Tarca, Adi L et al. (2010) The transcriptome of the fetal inflammatory response syndrome. Am J Reprod Immunol 63:73-92 |
Streicher, K L; Yang, Z Q; Draghici, S et al. (2007) Transforming function of the LSM1 oncogene in human breast cancers with the 8p11-12 amplicon. Oncogene 26:2104-14 |
Draghici, Sorin; Khatri, Purvesh; Tarca, Adi Laurentiu et al. (2007) A systems biology approach for pathway level analysis. Genome Res 17:1537-45 |
Khatri, Purvesh; Voichita, Calin; Kattan, Khalid et al. (2007) Onto-Tools: new additions and improvements in 2006. Nucleic Acids Res 35:W206-11 |
Khatri, Purvesh; Desai, Valmik; Tarca, Adi L et al. (2006) New Onto-Tools: Promoter-Express, nsSNPCounter and Onto-Translate. Nucleic Acids Res 34:W626-31 |
Draghici, Sorin; Khatri, Purvesh; Eklund, Aron C et al. (2006) Reliability and reproducibility issues in DNA microarray measurements. Trends Genet 22:101-9 |
Khatri, Purvesh; Draghici, Sorin (2005) Ontological analysis of gene expression data: current tools, limitations, and open problems. Bioinformatics 21:3587-95 |
Khatri, Purvesh; Done, Bogdan; Rao, Archana et al. (2005) A semantic analysis of the annotations of the human genome. Bioinformatics 21:3416-21 |
Muzik, Otto; Pourabdollah, Siamak; Juhasz, Csaba et al. (2005) Application of an objective method for localizing bilateral cortical FDG PET abnormalities to guide the resection of epileptic foci. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 52:1574-81 |
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