The Administrative Core is designed to encourage scientific interchange, provide scientific oversight andcoordinate the day-to-day administrative, financial, educational and secretarial operation of the program.The specific goals are:
Aim 1 - To coordinate and foster scientific exchange among the projects and investigators within theMulti-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Research Network and betweenMAPP and other PPIG investigators within and outside of Northwestern University. The core willcoordinate the monthly Research-in-Progress seminars to be attended by all personnel in the PPIGlaboratories, and several seminars per year to be delivered by distinguished outside scientists.
Aim 2 - To provide scientific oversight to the MAPP. The core will coordinate monthly meetings of theMAPP Executive committee (consisting of the Pis of the three projects) and annual meetings of the MAPPAdvisory Committee which consists of Department of Urology members (Dr Anthony Schaeffer and Dr DavidKlumpp from Northwestern University). The IAC, consisting of distinguished members within NorthwesternUniversity (Dr Terrence Barrett Chief of Gastorenterology and Dr D. James Surmeier Chair of Department ofPhysiology) and distinguished outside members (Dr Joanne Smith, President and CEO of RehabilitationInstitute of Chicago) will meet semi-annually.
Aim 3 - To provide administrative, financial and secretarial support to the MAPP. The core will beresponsible for the administration and financial supervision of the MAPP. In addition to coordinating theResearch-in-Progress, Executive Committee, and Advisory Committee Meetings, the core will supervise allbudgets, process all purchase orders, supervise equipment service contracts, maintain financial accountsand experimental data bases, and assist in preparation.
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