Core A consists of two components: one, the Administrative Core, that will provide overall administrativeoversight for the Program; and, two the Biostatistics Core, that will provide help with biostatistical analysisand data management.The primary function of the Administrative Core will be to facilitate scientific interactions between all theinvestigators of this U19 Application. The following meetings and activities will be organized to fostercollaborative studies between the various groups: 1. Emory and the CDC based Investigators will meetmonthly at the Emory Vaccine Center to present and discuss their results and to review the progress of theindividual projects. 2. An annual meeting will be held in which Investigators from all 5 institutions willparticipate. 3. An External Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consisting of five distinguished immunologistsand vaccinologists will be set up and members of the SAB will be invited to the Annual Meeting. 4. A yearlysymposium on human immunology will be organized to learn about new advances in this area. A weeklyJournal Club will be organized in which graduate students/post-doctoral fellows will discuss the latestresearch in immunology with a special focus on human immunology. In addition to these above activities, theAdministrative core will interact closely with the 'Education' and 'Pilot Project' Components of this U 19Application and oversee the selection processes for funding the Pilot Projects and for choosing the traineesfor the Education component.The primary goal of the Biostatistics Core is to strengthen the research efforts and introduce statistical rigorin the proposed studies. This goal will be accomplished by: 1. Providing statistical services for data analysis,design of experiments, and manuscript preparation. 2. Establishing and maintaining appropriate database,data management and data analysis capabilities and developing software/algorithms. 3. Coordinating withthe Clinical Core (Core B) on their databases and maintaining the integrity of the data. 4. Providing one-ononetraining in biostatistics methods and data management to investigators, post-doctoral fellows, graduatestudents and visiting investigators.
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