Our Yale-Specialized Center of Research Excellence (SCORE) on sex differences in alcohol use disorder (AUD) brings together a team of leading basic and clinical science experts to pursue an interdisciplinary, translational, cross-species program of research aimed at identifying novel therapeutics to address the recent surge in rates of AUD in women. The primary purpose of this Administrative Supplement is to offset the cost of complying with the NIMH Data Archive (NDA), which was not a requirement at the time of the grant submission. However, compliance with the NDA was identified as a Special Requirement listed in the Notice of Grant Award for U54AA027989. To support the successful completion of the parent grant, we are requesting funds to support activities required by the NDA which include completing the data submission agreement, incorporating correct language into all consent forms, defining the data sharing schedule, understanding the NDA capabilities, requesting accounts, grant permissions to staff, subject ID generation, develop data extraction template, submit data, correct errors, review and confirm accuracy of NDA submissions, and create and share study records (i.e., publications). Using the NDA cost estimator tool, PI and staff support is requested.
This Administrative Supplement contributes to public health as the NIMH Data Archives supports collaborative science and discovery, maximizing the benefit of the data collected in the parent grant studying sex differences in alcohol use disorder.