To optimize the proouctivity. minimize overiap and effectively determine the progress of the NIHINIAID RCEprogram there is a need for an integrated and coordinated effort that can most effectively be accomplishedvia a bioinfOf1Tlatics component that will span atlthe individual RCE groups. One component of thatcoordinated effort is communications. We have established a number of communications capabilities for useby the RCE investigators and their staff. This resource was established 2 years ago, and is built around aninSORs commerdal video conferendng system. We worked with inSORs to construct, lest and deploy anumber of new components. for example, a Macintosh client as well as a PC client. Most notably a highbandwidth. reliable, desktop video conferencing system. Another component included is an ftpsite fO( theeffective transfer of experimental data and documents.
The SpecifIC Aims are :1) Continued support of the InSORS video conferencing system, including server maintenance.2) Facilitate the purchase of warranty wort< fO( all existing and future purchase systems.3) Facilitate the purchase and distribution of additional desktop units as bUdget and need occur.4) To continue to offer fip storage and backup space fO( all RCE investigators.
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