The SERCEB team will focus on vaccine and drug development, with programs in place as wellfor development of diagnostics for select agents and emerging infectious diseases. The primary goalof the Protein Expression Core B is to serve all of these efforts by generating recombinant proteinsfor use in vaccine development, therapeutics development and diagnostics design. Core B willnteract directly with investigators and projects in the programs to identify, develop and characterize7eeded proteins. Expression systems to be available are expression technologies for recombinantproteins in bacteria by high throughput system, in eukaryotic cells by recombinant vaccinia viruses,and by transient and stable transfections with Ig fusion constructs. The overall goals are to serve asa central resource for shared reagents and to provide specific proteins and protein expertise.
Aim 1. Express all vaccinia WR proteins in a high throughput system for sending to the StructuralBiology/Proteomics Core F for high throughput crystallization analysis; Produce cowpox B5R, A33R,A27L, A17L, A10L and A4L envelope protein for vaccine and mab studies in Program 1 (Ming Luo atUAB).
Aim 2. Produce Ger family proteins of B. anthracis proteins for vaccine and pathogenesisstudies in Program 5 (Hua-Xin Liao at Duke), and produce Ybt and Psn as well as new adhesinproteins of Y. pestis for Y. Pestis vaccine and pathogenesis studies in Program 4 (Ming Luo atUAB).
Aim 3. Produce human endogenous cellular proteins CARD10, IRAK-4, IRAK-M and TRAF6,human and murine K12-1g fusion proteins for innate immunity, structure and adjuvant studies inProgram 6, and express lymphotoxin-U receptor-lg fusion proteins for adaptive immunity studies inProgram 7 (Hua-Xin Liao at Duke).
Aim 4. Collaborate with Large Scale Biologicals, Inc. for proof ofconcept of rapid expression of anti-PA neutralizing antibodies for serotherapy (Hua-Xin Liao atDuke).
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