Introduction to the Colorado BNICE Training Center. The Colorado Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary,Chemical, and Explosive (BNICE) Training Center, located within the Rocky Mountain Center for MedicalResponse to Terrorism, Mass Casualties and Epidemics at Denver Health Medical Center, is a DHHS HospitalResources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant-funded training initiative that seeks to educateColorado's health care and public safety workforce in the fundamental principles of preparing for, andresponding to, a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) event. The Colorado BNICE Training Center is workingto develop and implement curricula that broadens existing knowledge and ensures essential multidisciplinaryand interdisciplinary collaborative responses. The broad diversity of BNICE course participants represent suchdisciplines as physicians, public health, allied health, veterinary medicine, dentistry, mental health, nursepractitioners, physician assistants, health care administrators, nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, labworkers, emergency medical technicians, firefighters, and law enforcement. This training initiative is currentlylimited to the State of Colorado and is funded through September, 2005.
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