Introduction: The Genomic/Proteomics core facility will provide support to the entire Region VIII RCE. This corewill function in three broad ways: (1) the core will provide specific services that are deemed universal in terms ofthe development and execution of post-genomic studies. To include the development and printing of genomeDMA-based microarrays, array data acquisition and analysis, DMA sequencing and proteomic support such astandem mass spectrometry and 2-D PAGE image analysis. (2) the Genomics/Proteomics Core will providetechnical assistance to investigators as needed with the design of oligonucleotides for real-time-PCR and theirapplication, proteomic analysis via 2-D-PAGE and mass spectrometry, and high throughput production ofrecombinant proteins and development of purification techniques and Bioinformatics. (3) Develop new postgenomicplatforms for drug screening The Genomics/Proteomics Core will support the projects of the RCE inobtaining, analyzing and interpreting post-genomic information. A central theme of this RCE proposal is todevelop new vaccines, diagnostics and novel chemotherapeutics against pathogens that are bioweapon agents.This core will develop post-genomic tools and resources, and accordingly provide support to each of the researchprojects so that these projects may exploit current and future genomic data. Project interactions: The PostGenomics Bioinformatics Core has direct connections to proposed research plans of several RCE Nodes: II.A.Bacterial Zoonoses Disease Control and Biodefense: The Post Genomics Bioinformatics Core will supportthis research node by providing DMA microarrays, and performing proteomic-related mass spectrometry. Thecore will also assist in the validation of post-genomic data via RT-PCR and the production of recombinantproducts. In addition Aim 3. of the core will be integral with the development of novel inhibitors by providing HTscreening on compound libraries (such as M.A.2., II.A.4.) II.B. Arboviral Disease Control and Biodefense:The major contribution to this project by the Post Genomics Bioinformatics Core is envisioned to be primarily inproviding support for use of the mouse DMA microarrays, immunoregulatory DMA microarray and RT-PCRtechnologies. The Viral Zoonoses Program will also benefit from the production of recombinant products andmass spectrometry support (section D.1.f.). II.C. UCHSC Molecular Pathogenesis of Burkholderia SelectAgents: The University of Colorado Health Sciences Project encompassing Projects II.C.1.-II.C.6. will besupported by the Post Genomics Bioinformatics Core in a similar fashion to the other projects. The core willsupport post-genomic studies involving DMA microarrays, molecular identification of proteins by massspectrometry and high throughput screening. II.D. Development of Bacteriophage Amplification Reagentsand Immuno-detectors for Y. pestis and F. tularensis (CSM). The Post Genomics Bioinformatics Core willprovide bioinformatics support for comparative genomics and genome mining. II.G. Antiviral therapies forpotential Bioterrorism Viruses (Utah State University Research Project): The Utah State University ResearchProject (Project II.G.2.) will obtain assistance making a VEE construct (TC-83 vaccine strain) expressing Bcl-2gene. Other support could include whole mouse array and aspects of recombinant protein production. The coresin this RCE proposal have an integral relationship to each other. The Post Genomics Bioinformatics Core willsupport the Animal Core (I.B.S.a) by providing tools and reagents to help characterize the animal models ofinfection on the genomic scale. This support will primarily come in the form of the whole genome mouse array,the immunoregulatory direct array and the real time PCR technologies for sequence detection. In addition, workdone in the Product Development and Manufacturing Core (I.B.S.b.) will benefit from the Post GenomicsBioinformatics Core facility because of the recombinant products support and mass spectrometry support.
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