The Informatics Core Facility of TREC Center specifically identifies and supplies resources dedicated toCenter activities including aspects of database design and management, will provide expertise in statisticaldesign, and will carry out or assist in statistical analyses of study data. The Informatics Core Facility of theCenter is drawn from the Biostatistics Shared Resources of the Ireland Cancer Center, the Department ofPediatrics, and the Department of Epidemiology of Biostatistics. The groups bring together expertise andintellectual resources in biostatistics, genetic epidemiology, analysis of microarray data, informatics, clinicaltrials, epidemiology, statistical computing, and database and information management. The members havewide involvement in support of Cancer Center research in clinical trials, prevention and cancer controlresearch, genetic and population studies, and translation research. Activities include: 1) protocoldevelopment and review; 2) study monitoring; 3) data analysis and reporting; 4) database development andmanagement; 5) applications with large population databases; 6) data services and computer programming; 7)research-related website development; 8) education; and 9) statistical consultation and collaboration. TheInformatics Core brings together three expert bio statisticians trained in longitudinal data analysis, geneticepidemiology, including genetic segregation and linkage analysis, and analysis of microarray data. TheInformatics Core will support the specific needs of TREC investigators in database development andmanagement, report generation, data analysis, and in designing new studies that arise from TREC translationactivities, as well as education. The Informatics Core will work closely with each project to ensure theirneeds are met with respect to the above activities. The existence of this core is essential to the success of theCenter as it will bring together biostatisticians and data manager with diverse backgrounds, expertise, andresources. It is this diversity that will ensure the success of the Core and the Center.
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