In recognition of the need to create more institutions that have competitive research programs, to recruitmore underrepresented individuals into cancer research, and to increase the attention to cancer healthdisparities research, we propose to expand the collaboration between New Mexico State University (NMSU)and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC). Three objectives will help us achieve ouroverall goal. First, we will increase the capacity of NMSU to conduct competitive research. This will be donethrough a collection of three basic science pilot projects and one basic science full project. Second, we willcreate a long-standing partnership in cancer research training and education. Our full undergraduate projectproposal builds on a successful internship program between NMSU and FHCRC. Our graduate pilot projectpaves the way to reciprocal training of graduate students. Finally, an outreach proposal seeks to evaluate away to bring public health intervention to communities suffering from cancer health disparities. The outreachproposal will test the efficacy of the promotora approach in fostering cervical cancer screening behaviorchange. A well established and rigorous review process will be used to identify additional collaborativeprojects in later years. An effort to expand outreach efforts in the state will also be developed based on anew faculty hire and an existing network of Cooperative Extension Service offices. Both institutions areenthusiastic about this collaboration and have worked steadily to increase the partnership strength. Mutualbenefits will accrue to both institutions. NMSU has a majority of minority and underrepresented students, butnot the expertise and experience to recruit and train students in cancer research. A major benefit of thisgrant will be to establish an infrastructure whereby underrepresented students have opportunities andresources to become cancer researchers. The FHCRC is deeply committed to increasing the number ofminority and underrepresented group members involved in cancer research. Collaboration with scientists atNMSU also provides opportunities for new types of research that are of interest to FHCRC scientists. Thefive pilot projects and two full projects proposed in the developmental core are accompanied by three othercores: Administrative Core, Mentoring Core, and Planning and Evaluation Core. In addition, sound careerdevelopment approaches will train future cancer researchers.
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