SHARED RESOURCE CORE CRUMP PRECLINICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY CENTER ABSTRACT: The Crump Preclinical Imaging Technology Center will provide comprehensive support for the in vivo imaging studies carried out in the NSBCC projects. Under the direction of Core Director Dr. Michael Phelps, the Imaging Center is comprised of two other faculty, Dr. Arion Hadjioannou and Dr. Jason Lee, and one full-time staff member. All faculty members have extensive experience and recognition in preclinical molecular imaging. The Imaging Center will provide all radio-labeled probes, perform all microPET and CT studies, and data analysis. In addition, they will provide support and training to investigators, including animal preparation and monitoring, quality control and the strictest safety measures. The goal of the Shared Resource Core is to provide advanced molecular imaging support to assess the kinetics of tumor metabolism and therapeutic outcome in response to therapeutic intervention. These experiments will consist of highly-controlled, serially- acquired PET and CT scans for both functional and anatomical assessment, respectively. Since the PET radio- labeled probe used is also widely available in the clinic, the preclinical imaging data acquired by the Shared Resource Core can be translated as biomarkers for evaluation of treatment response in patients.
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