The major theme of this grant is the harmonization of experimental approaches, outcome measurements and data analysis across studies in model systems and humans with the goal of developing a systems wide view on sources of variation in the response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This relies on an interlocking organizational structure with overlap in personnel between the program cores, common experimental designs across species, standardized unbiased and targeted sample analyses by dedicated technical cores and integrated data management and analysis. Consequently, large quantities of samples and information will need to flow seamlessly between experimental, technical and data management and analysis cores. The Logistics Core is designed to (i) maximize the efficiency of this interaction between cores, (ii) coordinate demand and supply of sample analysis capacity between experimental and technical cores, (iii) assure the quality of sample generation, collection, handling and storage across cores, and (iv) track, evaluate and communicate core specific and program wide progress towards prespecified milestones. This will involve establishing a LIMS, managing the sample flow between laboratories, biobanking, implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs), training of laboratory personnel, ?real-time? monitoring of activities based on sample flow and data generation, and collection of progress evaluation data. Indeed, this last point, an ongoing and timely approach to evaluating the performance of all itscomponents, will be vital given the complexity of the PENTACON program. The extensive nature of the sample flow between cores, scientific data collection, data sharing, and collaboration efforts naturally lend themselves to the inclusion of routine evaluation data collection, and much of this will occur as seamless part of the normal operation of the Logistics Core.
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