There is a substantial body of literature to support that biological and prosthetic complications occur which may interfere with the health of the peri-implant tissues, the function and esthetics of the implant restoration. Peri-implant diseases are classified into peri-implant mucositis, inflammation restricted to the peri-implant mucosa, and peri-implantitis, characterized by peri-implant bone loss. The limitations of the current body of literature of biologic and prosthetic complications are based on many small studies and in large part conducted in an academic and specialty setting. We propose to create an implant registry within the National Dental Practice Based Research Network (NDPBRN) that will record the setting and implant therapy, the implants used, the prosthetic therapy provided and the rate of complications. The registry will create an opportunity for subsequent, additional targeted studies on specific complications available from the registry data and will lead to diagnosis driven therapy strategies. The target enrollment is a total of 2000 implants with prosthesis across the whole network. The one year UG3 Phase will be used to create a strategy to be able to meet the recruitment and enrollment objectives and to develop the protocol for data collection to facilitate the data gathering of the practitioners for the subjects they enroll. The data collection model we propose will be designed to be validated, concise, and easy to use for practitioners. We will develop a web based decision tree that will guide the practitioner through the data collection. The UH3 phase will recruit practitioners with representation of all 6 regions of the network that will enroll subjects with 2000 implants. Data collection will be detailed and comprehensive and will include surgical, prosthetic, and biologic aspects of implant therapy and radiographs for bone level assessments for a period of 3 years. The data will present clinically meaningful information about the prevalence of the various implant therapies, the incidence of prosthetic and biologic implant complications, risk factors for implant complications and evidence-based implant therapy strategies in every dental practices. We expect that the results from this study will significantly impact the clinical practice of implant dentistry and the quality of care provided for the patients.
We propose to create an Implant Registry capturing implant therapy that is provided by practitioners within the NDPBRN. The aim is to determine the therapies associated with the greatest amount of success and the least amount of complications. With the data generated through this registry, we will add to the generalizable knowledge about implant therapy, the complications and therapies associated with implant success at the fixture level and the patient level.