Large quantities of salt and water move across epithelial cells. These cells are able to maintain a constant volume by balancing solute entry and exit. The mechanisms for epithelial cell volume and regulation are under investigation in this laboratory. Optical and microelectrode studies have been performed on the gallbladder of Necturus, on the renal medullary collecting tubule of the rat, cultured renal cells, and on contractile cells from the eye.
Praetorius, Jeppe; Spring, Kenneth R (2002) Specific lectins map the distribution of fibronectin and beta 1-integrin on living MDCK cells. Exp Cell Res 276:52-62 |
Praetorius, H A; Spring, K R (2001) Bending the MDCK cell primary cilium increases intracellular calcium. J Membr Biol 184:71-9 |
Kovbasnjuk, O N; Spring, K R (2000) The apical membrane glycocalyx of MDCK cells. J Membr Biol 176:19-29 |
Spring, K R (2000) Scientific imaging with digital cameras. Biotechniques 29:70-2, 74, 76 |
Kovbasnjuk, O N; Bungay, P M; Spring, K R (2000) Diffusion of small solutes in the lateral intercellular spaces of MDCK cell epithelium grown on permeable supports. J Membr Biol 175:16-Sep |