This project will improve Rocks, a system for turn-key software installation and updates for Linux clusters. Virtual machine (specifically Xen-based) support, complex system configuration, and large-scale system scaling are the targeted areas in this proposal. Rocks will continue to be maintained and supported under this proposal. Heterogeneous clusters with multiple appliances will be supported. Additional operating systems will also be supported. Intellectual merit includes several facets, such as new techniques for VM management, Management of large clusters is a challenging operational area addressed by this work. The more general area of system administration is advanced by Rocks. Rocks directly targets reproducible and scalable Cyberinfrastructure. Broader impact mirrors intellectual merit, and specifically lies in Rock's new capabilities enabling management of very large clusters such as those emerging from the NSF Track 2 program, the ease of configuration of clusters supporting virtualization capabilities and generally the continuing effect of Rocks on installation and use of Linux clusters across NSF communities.