Efficient cyberinfrastructure (advanced computing, data, software and networking infrastructure) is a critical component of the support that NSF provides for new discoveries in science and engineering. Cyberinfrastructure is complex and traditionally requires years of human hand-tuning to fully achieve maximal performance for scientific users. We propose to introduce Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a way to automatically and quickly optimize the performance and broadest use of recent NSF-supported advanced computing resources. Through this pilot effort our ultimate aim is to enable and accelerate scientific advances in widely diverse fields such as biology, chemistry, oceanography, materials science, climate modeling, and cosmology.
As the research cyberinfrastructure grows rapidly in scale and complexity, it is essential to integrate new technologies based on Machine Learning (ML) and AI to ensure that the investments in new hardware and software components result in proportional improvements in performance and capability. This project will undertake a transformative research activity targeting: (1) scaling ML algorithms to make them easily available to the scientific community; and (2) improving cyberinfrastructure efficiency through AI-based predictive models. This technical work will be complemented and informed by a community engagement effort to jointly catalog the state of the art and identify future challenges and opportunities in enabling a new smart cyberinfrastructure.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.