In response to a Project Solicitation, GA Technologies, representing the San Diego Supercomputer Center, submitted a proposal to conduct a Supercomputer Summer Institute in 1987. This proposal and eight others were evaluated by a review panel. SDSC proposed a two week Institute for 50 students from August 10-21. Students would be reimbused for travel and living expenses.In addition to hands-on experience and training with the SDSC computers (Cray XMP-48 and SCS-40), students will be exposed to in-depth presentations on computational chemistry, computational engineering, linear algebra, mathematical software packages, network access, and vectorization. The SDSC conducted an Institute in 1986 for 40 students. Their final report and personal contact of DASC staff with the students indicate that this was a highly successful project. The review panel felt that the 1987 SDSC Institute would be a high-quality training experience with experienced instructors, but that 50 students could be too many to receive the individual attention necessary. To address this concern, and to reduce costs, the number of students has been dropped to 35. Negotiation has reduced the costs in several other areas (equipment purchase and labor) in line with the panel's recommendations to a new total of $68,000. In addition, an undergraduate research component of $7000 has been proposed. The Centers Program recommends support of a Summer Institute in 1987 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center in the amount of $75,000.00.