Fisher 9405403 Advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for distributed memory multicomputers will be developed to provide the resolution capabilities (106-107 gridpoints) and high-order accuracy required for large eddy simulation (LES) DG1 DG2 of turbulent flows in complex domain. The choice of distributed memory parallel architectures is motivated by high performance and economy which derives from their intrinsic ability to exploit data locality. This work will be based on the spectral element method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, with emphasis on improving elliptic solver performance and increasing geometric flexibility. Enhanced geometric and resolution flexibility will be achieved through implementation of three-dimensional nonconforming spectral element discretizations. The software will have a variety of applications. The scope and complexity of the proposed activities will foster further research in large scale parallel computation. {PAGE # "'Page: '#' '"|Page: 1 } DG1 {PAGE # "'Page: '#' '"|Page: 1 } DG2