This project will investigate issues associated with performing distributed parallel computations on clusters of workstations connected locally by ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) switches, and local super-clusters globally connected WAN. This study will be performed in the context of a critical application area of concern and interest to both the United States and Mexico, that of subsurface transport of chemical species occurring in the border region between Mexico and the United States. This proposal has three goals: (1) the proposed will bring together the resources and expertise of SwRI and ITESM to investigate critical elements necessary for the creation of a regional meta-computer ultimately providing an analysis and diagnostic tool to support a regional water which combines the resources of SwRI and ITESM into a useful computational facility, (2) investigate the effectiveness of different programming models (PVM, MPI, HPF, Fortran M, HPC++) applied over a WAN-based meta-computer in the context of a real world application code, and (3) demonstrate the utility of the meta-computer through application of the enhanced MULTIFLO code to the simulation of the border region, subsurface environment. This research will compliment programs already on-going at both SwRI and ITESM in distributed parallel computing, network technology, and subsurface transport. Through this effort, the computational resources of SwRI and ITESM will be linked through high-speed WAN technology and methods developed for the efficient use of such a meta-computer.