This research will extend the University of Denver atlas of high resolution (~0.002 cm-1) balloon-borne infrared solar absorption stratospheric spectra and the corresponding laboratory, ground-based and theoretical studies initiated under previous NSF grants. The major objectives are: 1) To extend the 0.002 cm-1 resolution atlases over additional intervals in the 2.5-30 micron region, by using solar and laboratory spectra already obtained and new spectra anticipated to be obtained in 2005-2008. Many new stratospheric spectral features will be observed and studied. 2) To extend the spectroscopic analysis of specific stratospheric molecules, such as O3, HNO3, ClONO2, COF2, COCl2, HCOOH, NO2, O2, OH, NO and others, from the laboratory and stratospheric spectra. The spectroscopic analysis will include line positions and line intensities for identification and quantification of trace species. Contributions are expected to the field of atmospheric chemistry through atmospheric and solar spectroscopy.
This work on theoretical spectroscopy promotes the development of new methods for modeling molecular and atomic structure, leading to the incorporation of new technologies for instrumentation capable of more accurate atmospheric measurements. These studies also continue to have broader impacts on the understanding of planetary and astrophysical spectroscopy, as well as environmental spectroscopy.