The goal of this project is to study a broad set of upper atmospheric science topics that are all manifestations of highly coupled systems within and connected to the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere (ITM) regions. The contributions to these studies arise from in-house development and deployment of eight low-light-level all-sky-imagers (ASIs). The project has eight areas of activity: (a) the global magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions that create stable auroral red (SAR) arcs, (b) the electrodynamical-ITM processes that create Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs), (c) the geomagnetic conjugate point controlled aspects of the severe ionospheric irregularities known as equatorial spread-F (ESF), (d) the day-to-day variability of the ionosphere during periods of extended solar and geomagnetic quiescence, (e) dynamical processes in the Mesosphere, (f) experiments of opportunity, (g) comparative aeronomy, and (h) running the CEDAR optical calibration lab. Of particular focus is determining if symmetries or asymmetries exist with longitude and/or hemisphere for the features observed. These include how the tilted geomagnetic dipole creates a mix of processes controlled by geographic latitude (e.g., solar production) versus geomagnetic latitude (e.g., magnetospheric input) within and between the hemispheres.