Presidential Young Investigator Awards are given to provide support to the Nation's most outstanding and promising young science and engineering faculty. Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier has been selected as one of the recipients of this award. Dr. Droegemeier is fast becoming one of the atmospheric sciences' leading experts using supercomputers in the solution of meteorological problems. Under this award he will utilize supercomputers in attacking a variety of meteorological problems including the development of a highly detailed storm-scale numerical model. He also will pursue innovative methods of using local work stations to interactively analyze the overwhelming amount of data that is produced by numerical meteorological models. Additionally, Dr. Droegemeier will use purchased hardware and software developed under this award in a unique class which is focussed on applying numerical methods to solve problems in fluid dynamics. Dr. Droegemeier's credentials and wealth of good ideas has helped him in obtaining over $90,000 in matching funds from private industry in support of this effort.