Computer equipment will be purchased to enhance the existing UNIDA TA program within the Atmospheric Science Department at Cornell University. This award will allow the acquisition of a powerful UNIX based workstation and a 386 based PC. This equipment will be used primarily for data ingest and analysis. The UNIDATA suite of software will provide the Department with easy access to station data, satellite images and gridded analysis and forecasts from numerical models. These data are used extensively in research and instruction within the Department and as input to an interactive access and display system, known as CLIMOD (CLimate Information for Management and Operational Decisions). In addition to enhancing the Department's capabilities, there is a need to reconfigure existing equipment and to acquire new equipment because UNIDATA will no longer support or will continue to develop its software for the VMS operating system. The VMS operating system is the primary operating system used in the Department today. Also, an older PC is being replaced by a faster and more capable PC to allow the more effective use of McIDAS which is a UNIDATA supported software package.