This project will upgrade the operating systems and hardware of the IBM PS/2 computers of the Department of Atmospheric Science at the University of Wyoming to allow PC-McIDAS to be integrated into the department's network environment. This will allow the wider diversity of data ingested by the UNIDATA SDM software to be viewed using the more comprehensive display software and looping capability of PC-McIDAS. It will also allow McIDAS data to be archived on the larger disks and on tape on our Apollo network. PC-McIDAS is used extensively for both educational and research activities. It has enhanced the teaching of synoptic meteorology courses offered in the department, allowing the student to interactively analyze meteorological data. It is also being used to assist the training of Saudi Arabian meteorologists participating in a special training program set up within the department. PC-McIDAS is routinely taken into the field to provide forecasting support for the department's research aircraft.