Infrared remote sensing techniques are routinely used as a means of obtaining data on the concentration and altitude distribution of atmospheric trace constituents. The PIs propose to conduct a series of balloon flights to obtain high spectral resolution atmospheric transmission and emission data in various spectral intervals from 100 cm-1 to 3000 cm-1. The transmission data will be obtained from the ground through 40 km and from 40 km during solar occultation, at a resolution of 0.002 cm-1 (unapodized). The emission data will be obtained over the same altitude range and in a limb viewing mode at a resolution of .04 cm-1. The data will be analyzed to obtain constituent profiles for compounds of stratospheric interest with higher absolute accuracy than in previous studies. The concentrations measured in this program will be compared with earlier data for detection of possible trends. The spectra will also be compared with calculations using the latest versions of the HITRAN database. These comparisons are particularly important for improving our ability to accurately calculate the atmospheric radiative transfer.