The PI plans to continue the operation of the cosmic ray neutron monitors at Mt. Washington (Po=1.24 GV) and Durham (Pc=1.41) and to continue studies which relate these ground based cosmic ray observations to near Earth cosmic ray telescope data (E > 70 MeV) from the IMP series of spacecraft and similar data at large heliocentric distances from the Earth acquired from Pioneer 10 (at 53AU in August 1991), Voyager 1 (at 45.7 AU, latituded 32o) and Voyager 2 (at 33 AU). Using these data they will study the following: 1) The interplanetary cosmic ray radial and latitudinal gradient; 2) Comparison of instantaneous and time-shifted integral E > 70 MeV radial gradients; 3) Evaluation of the heliospheric termination boundary, its location and its effects on cosmic rays; and 4) the association of Forbush decreases and interplanetary magnetic field disturbances.