9312537, PI-Krishnamurti, "Numerical Weather Prediction Over the Tropics": Dr. Krishnamurti will continue research on a number of topics relating to the improvement of numerical weather prediction in tropical regions. Specifically, five broad tasks will be pursued under this award. The first is physical initialization which involves ensuring that the initial description of the atmosphere as represented in the model thermodynamic fields at the beginning of a forecast is consistent among various physical processes that is, the humidity fields, rainfall, clouds, etc. are consistent with the earth's radiation balance. Representing clouds in large numerical models is complex and difficult. The second task involves the testing and comparing of two promising cloud schemes. The third and fourth tasks involve research on improving forecasts of two tropical phenomena the tropical cyclone and the large scale monsoon circulation. Finally, the PI and his colleagues will continue an investigation of the low frequency portion of the monsoon circulation and the characteristics of the energy exchanges that are required to maintain the circulation. Each of these tasks will contribute to the overall improvement of numerical prediction over tropical regions which, in turn, contributes to improve global predictions.