9523536 Nogues-Paegle The latent heat release associated with convective activity is an important source of atmospheric heating which drives atmospheric circulations. Because clouds greatly reduce the earth's outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), satellite-derived OLR fields can be used, at least in tropical regions, to identify regions of vigorous convective activity, and atmospheric heating. While the relationship between tropical convection and global circulation patterns has been established in observational studies, an assessment of the effectiveness of global models to simulate this connection has been hampered by the lack of model derived OLR fields that could be compared with observations. As part of the reanalysis project underway at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), OLR fields for the top of the atmosphere are being produced both as part of the data assimilation and for the forecast (to eight days) products. Dr. Nogues-Paegle will examine the reanalysis products for 1985-1993, comparing the model simulations of OLR to satellite measured fields for the same periods. She also will assess the NCEP model forecast skill by assessing the effect of uncertainties in initial tropical convection field on forecasts for the mid-latitudes. These studies should provide for the broader atmospheric sciences community important insights into quality of the reanalysis products and the effectiveness of the NCEP model parameterizations. ***