This project continues studying many areas of solar physics able to be addressed by radio observations. Using primarily three radio telescopes (i.e., the Very Large Array of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Millimeter Array at Hat Creek, and the Nobeyama Radioheliograph), the PI will continue analyzing flares observed over the past few years, and non-flare studies appropriate to the current minimum phase of the solar cycle. Specifically, the PI will: (1) compare photospheric magnetic fields with high-quality VLA images, deducing the presence of strong currents from extrapolated coronal fields in determining the magnetic field in the active region corona; (2) study the large scale structure of the X-ray corona above strong sunspot magnetic fields associated with microwave gyroresonance emission; (3) study limb darkening, active region filament channels, bright prints and networks in detail; (4) study evolution of active regions in microwaves in relation to their flare productivity; (5) use simultaneously obtained imaging data to study the X-ray counterparts of type II bursts; (6) study filament eruptions in X-rays, microwaves and their relations to coronal mass ejections; and (7) observe both microwave and meterwave radio emission associated with dynamic coronal X-ray jets.