The investigators will use data from ground-based radio-wave and optical instruments at the Bear Lake Observatory near Logan, Utah, to address two problems in atmospheric sciences. The first is a study stratospheric warming events. Measurements of winds, kinetic and rotational temperatures, and emission intensities made with Fabry-Perot and Michelson interferometers will be used to study mid-latitude effects from wintertime stratospheric warming events. These effects are evidence for dynamic coupling between low and high latitudes. The second task is to study gravity wave coupling between the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere. This study will combine observations of mesospheric nightglow emissions made by the all-sky imager with electron density measurements made by the digital ionosonde. The results will show if there is a relationship between mesospheric wave activity and the state of the ionosphere. The project also includes the installation of a telephone line extender to increase the phone/modem remote access to observatory instruments.