9618260 Chen A shallow-sea front situated at the outer boundary of Georges Bank constitutes the most prominent feature of the regional hydrography. Although the front exists year round, its structure undergoes distinct seasonal changes. Since this frontal zone also marks the boundary between mixed and stratified regimes, the juxtaposition of nutrient supply and stable water makes this a region of elevated biological productivity, with commepcial importance to the fishing industry. Despite both the scientific and economic importance of such fronts, understanding of their dynamics and circulation is still fragmentary. This award provides support for a two-pronged study of tidal regimes which will employ both analytical and numerical models. The primary objective is to further our understanding of the physical processes that control the location, structure and circulation of shallow-sea fronts in general, and that over the Georges Bank in particular. The results may provide guidance for developing parameterizations of sub-grid scale processes in three-dimensional simulation models. Support for this award is being provided by the Physical Oceanography Program.