9629353 Middleton Computer models of past, present and future atmospheric chemistry conditions and air quality scenarios rely on inventories that are constructed on appropriate spatial and temporal scales and incorporate relevant chemical species. The development and distribution of global inventories is the key function of the Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC). The ultimate goal of GEIA is to establish emission inventories for all trace tropospheric chemical species, incorporating fluxes from both anthropogenic and natural sources. Research conducted under this award will support the development of global inventories. Management and distribution of GEIA inventories are primary tasks to be conducted. Inventory development will be supported by providing travel funds for participation in GEIA working groups by emissions inventory experts. The data bases will be maintained by the GEIA Data Management and Information Exchange Center and the resulting products, periodically updated as appropriate, are expected to become standard inventories for the international atmospheric chemistry community. All GEIA inventories are available electronically to interested users upon request.