Abstract ATM-9633642 Heusser, Linda E. Heusser & Heusser, Inc. Title: Climate Variability of Northeast Pacific/Western North American: Sub-millennial Scale Marine and Terrestrial Evidence from Santa Barbara Basin This award supports a project that is designed to study sub- millennial scale natural climate variability during two major warm events at the beginning of the last glacial cycle. The project focuses on the rapidly deposited sediments ( 100cm/kyr) recoveped from ODP Site 893 in Santa Barbara Basin. The approach will be to examine both marine and terrestrial indicators of climate change using subsets of the same sediment samples, thus allowing for direct comparison of changes in the rate and amplitude of the response of these two interrelated ecosystems to global climate change. Marine plankton (foraminifera and radiolaria) and pollen in sediments deposited between 65 to 108kyr at approximately 100- 200 year intervals will be analyzed. Results of this study will lead to more rigorous validation of models of present climate change and improvement in our understanding of the interaction between low- and high-frequency climate processes and associated forcing mechanisms.