The purpose of this project is to implement Phase 1 of the Geospace General Circulation Model (GGCM). The development of a GGCM is the primary goal of the GEM (Geospace Environment Modeling) program. Phase 1 of the GGCM development is designed to provide the user community with detailed simulation results for a selected set of idealized IMF and solar wind dynamic pressure conditions. The conditions to be simulated were chosen by the GGCM steering committee. The Magnetospheric Specification Model (MSM) has been an important tool in modeling the magnetosphere for several years. It is an operational component of the Air Force 55th Weather Squadron's air weather service. In the past few years. Improvements have been made to the MSM by including the Rice Field Model (RFM). This proposal would use the combination of MSM and RFM to implement Phase 1 of the GGCM for the GEM community.