University of Wyoming PI : Ron Canterna
The Wyoming Infrared Observatory (WIRO) will provide a Summer Undergraduate Research Assistantship Program (SURAP) as a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program. SURAP will offer undergraduate students throughout the nation its tutorial program in research. The main goals are: 1) to introduce undergraduate participants to a realistic and fulfilling experience in astrophysics research, working directly with active professionals, 2) to offer each student experience observing directly with the 0.6 and 2.3 m telescopes and its CCD instrumentation, 3) to encourage each undergraduate to publish their results and communicate their research findings at professional meetings. Seven to eight participants will be chosen from universities and colleges throughout the nation. Successful candidates are selected based on their academic performance, interest in a research career, and faculty recommendations. SURAP's secondary goal is to have a diverse student environment with students from liberal arts colleges and small universities with limited research facilities. Special efforts are made to actively recruit freshmen and sophomore undergraduates, women, and under-represented minorities. The program has traditionally selected students with no prior REU experience, outside of the student's home institution. A concurrent academic/laboratory course and research seminar will accompany the tutorial research program and this seminar includes an introduction to modern infrared and CCD detectors, image processing, experience in observing with a modern, computer-controlled telescope, academic instruction in fundamental, modern astrophysics, and science ethics. The focal point of the course will be a student-oriented, temporal monitoring program of interesting astronomical objects using WIRO's computer-controlled 0.6 meter reflector at Red Buttes and the 2.3 meter telescope. ***