Black holes are the most powerful engines in the Universe, releasing jets of matter into intergalactic space and transforming the large-scale gaseous environment. The biggest black holes sit in the centers of massive galaxy clusters, which are themselves important probes of cosmic structure. However, X-ray observations of cooling flows do not fit theoretical predictions, and suggest that jets are responsible for some of the deviations. This project will study how black holes stop clusters from cooling, and how to construct stable cluster atmospheres including jets and satisfying all observational requirements on temperature, entropy and gas composition. It will also investigate how jets evolve in dynamic environments. This will be done with three-dimensional simulations that include full fluid mechanics, dark matter, self gravity, radiative cooling, star formation, energy feedback from star formation, and black hole tracer particles to follow black hole mergers and spin evolution. These will be the first simulations of resolved jets in realistic clusters and of multiple jets in the same cluster, the first simulations of jets in early Universe environments, and the first detailed simulations of head-tail sources.
The results will be compiled into a series of TV-ready animations, to be used as part of an interactive display about black holes. Developed data analysis techniques and algorithms will be made available to the community. The research results will inform graduate and undergraduate classes, and a seminar series geared towards high school teachers.