The National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) will continue their summer student research program at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. For ten weeks in the summer, students work as professional research collaborators with the members of the Observatory scientific and technical staff on the on-going research programs of the staff members. Through their participation in the active research environment of a professional scientist, rather than through student exercises, the students experience the full breadth of scientific research from defining the question to be answered or explored, through the data-taking and data interpretation steps, to the preparation of a published paper or public presentation of the work.
The selection of the students to participate in the NAIC REU program will be done such that approximately half the students are chosen from among the applicants from mainland U.S. universities and the other half is selected from among the applicants from colleges and universities in Puerto Rico. This enables all of the students to work in a culturally rich and diverse professional environment, delivering a hands-on research experience that will stimulate the students to pursue a career in science.
This REU Site is funded jointly by the NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences and the Division of Atmospheric Sciences.