The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) will continue its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Intern Program which offers the opportunity for ten undergraduate students each year to conduct research with scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). The primary focus of the SAO summer intern program is the student research. Intern projects are solicited from the CfA scientific staff. A wide range of research topics will be offered in the following areas: planetary and exoplanetary science, theoretical studies in astronomy and in atomic and molecular physics, the interstellar medium, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, large scale structure, active galactic nuclei, laboratory astrophysics, and detector development. Each student writes an internal research paper and gives an oral presentation of their results at an Intern Symposium held at the end of the summer. The research experience is completed by a trip to the winter American Astronomical Society meeting, where the intern presents a poster paper and interacts with other scientists.
In addition to the training interns receive by performing a focused research project, students are involved in a variety of complementary activities, including a series of six scientific colloquia given by CfA scientists at a level appropriate for undergraduates, a series of short lecture courses in cosmology and exoplanets, and several organized lunches including one with current graduate students and one with faculty members from the Astronomy Department graduate admissions committee, as well as one to discuss graduate school fellowships. Students are recruited with an emphasis on women, under-represented minorities, and students from colleges where research opportunities in astronomy are limited.
This site is co-funded by the Department of Defense in partnership with the National Science Foundation REU program.