Dr. Clemens will study the radial dust distributions and magnetic field configurations of small Bok globules using a combination of photometric and polarimetric observations at optical and near- infrared wavelengths. Information will be deduced about the distribution of mass within these small interstellar clouds, how magnetic fields either help or hinder the formation of new stars, and how the magnetic fields reveal the interaction of the Bok globules with their surroundings. A serious gap in our understanding of the details of the star formation process involves our knowledge of the physical conditions existing in molecular clouds just prior to the onset of star formation. We know neither the basic physical structures of the cores of these molecular clouds before stars form, nor which physical variables have ordered the cores and will control their evolution. Dr. Clemens has chosen a sample of small clouds which are relatively simple structures, uncomplicated by active, multiple, or massive star formation. He is interested in understanding how these Bok globules and star formation within them is affected by embedded magnetic fields and large scale gas motions, such as turbulence and rotation.