A collaborative effort within the Departments of Astronomy and Physics will make it possible to equip a heliostat located at the University of Chicago with instrumentation of sufficient capability that this solar telescope can be used for projects of interest and challenge to advanced astrophysics and physics undergraduates, and to do so at modest cost. The basic idea is to focus on instrumentation which (a) maximizes the leverage for equipment which is already in hand; (b) maximizes instrument sharing between other teaching telescopes at the University; and (c) involves a scientific project which is not trivial, but rather is representative of the very best kind of science one can do with the instruments at hand: the measurement of the global p-mode (sound wave) oscillations of the Sun. The instrumentation is of sufficient capability that undergraduate students using the solar telescope will be able to make oscillation measurements which are at the level of publishable research, albeit obtained within the city limits of Chicago. The University of Chicago will provide partial support for the project.