9318397 Hardee This project will involve investigation of magnetohydrodynamic flows that are of interest in astrophysical systems. This project will continue the present study of the dynamics of collimated outflows such as those observed in many extragalactic radio sources, and will extend the study to the dynamics of collimated outflows such as those observed in many extragalactic radio sources, and will extend the study to the dynamics of collimated outflows in Seyfert Galaxies, and protostellar systems. The investigation involves comparison between analytical analysis of the time dependent magnetohydrodynamic fluid equations and linearized time dependent magnetohydrodynamic fluid equations, and numerical simulations and numerical modeling of collimated outflows. A major objective of this project is to perform fully three dimensional numerical simulations and compare results with analytically developed theory. A second objective is to use the results to learn how outflow morphology is influenced by the external environment, by the presence of dynamically significant magnetic fields, and by radiative cooling. A third objective is to model the emission from collimated outflows and model selected objects. The objectives can be achieved by performing a combination of two dimensional and fully three dimensional fluid and MHD simulations of extragalactic light continuum jets, and protostellar and other radiatively cooled heavy jets. The analytical theory is used to establish model dependence on parameters and for its predictive abilities. ***