Landscapes constitute an intriguing and important area of interface between scientists who study the composition and dynamics of landscape change and designers, planners, and other professionals whose jobs include the manipulation and management of landscapes. Advanced technologies like geographic information systems now are being used by both groups, enabling both researchers and professionals to identify more areas and topics of common experience and interest. Using a model developed and used successfully by the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, this award will provide support to conduct a workshop focusing on landscape change. The workshop will bring together representatives of the investigative scientific disciplines interested in landscape change and the design disciplines. The purposes of the workshop are to promote the building of a collaborative research community; to develop a joint research agenda; and to facilitate the exchange of ideas. The workshop steering committee will be chaired by a geographer and a landscape architect. The workshop will address its major objectives in the context of four themes: information technologies, decision making, landscape perception and assessment, and environmental and social sciences. The workshop will be structured as a series of plenary presentations, breakout discussions, and plenary discussion. Findings of the workshop will be published in the form of a report and other materials using both traditional publications and electronic media. This workshop will provide an excellent opportunity for professionals in the design disciplines to directly interact with the investigative scientists interested in landscape change. The workshop will facilitate exploration of the advances in understanding that have been made possible by new technologies like remote sensing and geographic information systems, and it will foster greater appreciation for benefits that may be realized when basic science interacts with normative implementation in the exploration of important topics and issues like "smart growth," "sustainable communities," and "liveable communities."