This workshop, to be held July 13-15 at Stanford University in conjunction with the 2007 LSA Summer Institute, will bring linguists, language engineers, and archivists together to collaborate in the development of digital tools and services for linguistics. In focusing on interoperability, the workshop will build on the momentum of two previous broad collaborations to assess and develop the state of the art in computer-assisted linguistic analysis (the E-MELD (Electronic Metastructure for Endangered Languages Data) and DTSL (Digital Tools Summit in Linguistics) initiatives. Interoperable archives and other digital services are essential to realizing the vision of sustainable, accessible digital language resources. To ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of digital language resources, a coordinated infrastructure is required. This workshop will encourage developers to coordinate outputs of existing tools and to plan new tools that are extensible, modular, and renewable. The workshop will facilitate the growing cooperation between language engineers, field linguists, and native communities and foster the development of tools to aid in language analysis, revitalization, and documentation. In so doing, we address a critical bottleneck in the development of cyberinfrastructure for linguistics.