This award provides travel support for Dr. Lawrence Barsalou and one of his graduate students to present at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the European Social Cognition Network (ESCON) in Volterra, Italy (September 3-7, 2008). Dr. Barsalou's research addresses the hypothesis that the human conceptual system is grounded in the brain's modal systems for perception, action, and thought. Because concepts are grounded in these systems, they are represented as simulations of experience and the situations in which it occurs. This research has implications for social cognition, given that it suggests new ways of thinking about how social knowledge for individuals, groups, traits, situations, and so forth is represented. The conference draws researchers from all over the world, including Europe, North America, and South America. More than 100 researchers are expected to attend, with an approximate distribution of two-thirds junior researchers (graduate students and post docs) and one-third senior researchers. The conference provides outstanding opportunites for junior and senior researchers to exchange ideas, receive feedback on current research, and develop new research projects.