Dr. Arnold and colleagues will conduct archaeological research on Santa Cruz, the second largest of the Channel Islands, located off the California coast. In early historic times these islands were occupied by Chumash Indians who by the time of contact had developed a stratified chiefly society. Archaeological data indicates original colonization of the island took place over 5,000 years ago and suggests that a relatively abrupt change in social organization occurred about 900 years ago when a relatively egalitarian system was replaced by a more stratified one. The goal of Dr. Arnold's research is to understand this transformation. Because deep sea cores have been drilled in the Channel Island region, paleoenvironmental data is excellent. These suggest a warming of the ocean and the destruction of rich kelp beds at approximately the time when this social reorganization occurred. The probable result was a decrease in available food for Channel Island inhabitants, and Dr. Arnold postulates that this provided the calatyst for change. To test this, she will conduct survey and excavate a series of sites on Santa Cruz. Analysis of faunal remains will allow her to determine if a change in diet actually occurred, while examination of human skeletal remains will permit changing nutritional status to be assessed. Dr. Arnold postulates that social stratification and craft specialization both accompanied this change, and analysis of changing site sizes and differential distribution of prestige items should provide relevant data. This research is important because it will shed light on the prehistory of Native American cultures. It will also increase our understanding of how complex societies develop and how they respond to environmental stress.